The nursing assistant programs in Cross City, Florida that you can find in the list below are all the training programs that are open. For any questions about their certification curriculum, cost of instruction, or school schedules, please call the number below.
Dixie Academy Of Health Careers
16077 Ne 19 Hwy
Cross City, FL 32628
You cannot work in the state of Florida as a nurse aide if you do not have a CNA certification. You can only get one if your name is on the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. If you have just recently passed a training program, you can get your name on the list by passing the certification license exams. The examinations in this state are composed of a written and a skills demonstration exam. To get a license, you must pass both tests. You will receive a notice, along with your certification 14 day after taking the exams if you pass.
The first part of the examination is the written exams. It is composed of 60 items which are all multiple choice. Out of all the questions, there are 10 pretest questions that will not be scored. The pretest questions are placed there for statistical purposes. The topics for the written exam will revolve around 3 domains which are about the promotion of safety, the roles of a nurse aide, and the promotion of function of health of the patient.
As for the skills evaluation, you will be asked to perform 5 nursing procedures. You will be given a scenario where you will perform all the procedures. You will be observed by a nurse aide evaluator and will be rated with the use of the checkpoints for each procedure. To pass this part, you must perform all the procedures satisfactorily.
This is a town that is found in Dixie County. It is also the county seat there. As of the 2004 census, their population has raised up to 1,800 people. It has a total area of approximately 1.9 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 934.2/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find serving the city include Ruth Rains Middle School – Health Clinic, Cross City Rehabilitation & Health Center, Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Schools-Public – Health Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: carmichaellibrary