Enrolling into one of these certified nurse aide classes in Pinedale, Wyoming is one of the best ways to start your career as a nursing assistant. Each of the training programs listed below has its own set of requirements for enrollment. Find out these requirements by calling them with the contact number we’ve provided.
WWCC Outreach
665 North Tyler,
Pinedale, WY
Sponsoring organization and contact details:
Western Wyoming Community College
PO Box 428
Rock Springs, WY 82901
(307) 382-1801
Fax: (307) 382-7665
Email: methier@wwcc.cc.wy.us
Getting a CNA certification in Wyoming is a good way to enter the healthcare field without spending too much time and money. Tuition fees required for enrollment are usually cheap, ranging from around $600-$1,500. Not only are the costs to become a CNA affordable, you can also get your money back through reimbursements once you get certified.
One must enroll and successfully complete a state-approved class to become eligible for a certification. Training courses that are approved by the Wyoming State Board of Nursing or WSBN are required to last at least 105 hours, which should contain 75 hours of classroom instructions and 16 hours of supervised practical training. Although lectures and practical training are done at the same time, students need to spend 16 hours learning important concepts and skills before they can handle actual patients. The minimum age requirement to start training is 16 years old. Those who are below legal age need to provide a letter of approval from their patient/s or guardian. Those who wish to acquire a CNA II certification should be at least 18 years old.
CNA II is an advanced certification that can only be acquired if an applicant is currently a nurse aide with an active and unencumbered certification. He must have a high school diploma or GED certificate. In addition, those who are interested must have at least 1500 hours of documented work experience in a certified nursing facility. All of these are requirements to get accepted into a Level II training program.
The exams are divided into two parts which consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a random skills evaluation. Applicants can opt to choose whether they should take a written or oral exam for the knowledge test. Applicants are required to pass both tests within 12 months after completing their training. Each candidate is allowed to take the exams up to five times within that year. When retaking the exams, they’ll only need to retake the part that they failed.
If an applicant manages to pass both tests, his or her name will be forwarded to the Nurse Aide Registry. The score reports are released on the same day as the exams. If your testing site happens to have technical problems, then the results will be mailed to you between 5 to 7 days after testing. You can check your status beforehand by going to www.pearsonvue.com or to https://cnaregistry.health.wyo.gov/.
All CNA certifications in this state expired on December 31st of every even year. Notices for renewal are sent out by the Healthcare Licensing and Surveys (HLS) at least 3 months before their expiration. Certificate holders who have met the requirements for renewal can renew their certification as early as October 1st. There is a $50 renewal fee; and if you fail to renew on time, an additional $35.
Pinedale is the county seat of Sublette County. This town has a total population of 2,043 people who are living within 2.15 square miles of land. 9.1% of the total population are citizens that are aged from 65 years old and above. The demand for nursing assistants is also increased by the constant flow of tourists all year round. photo attribution: tamuc