If you want to learn how to work as a nursing assistant and become qualified for the exams you can locate the available schools in Summerville, South Carolina below. Included in the list are all the state approved certified nursing assistant classes in South Carolina that meet the requirements of the certification exams.
Dorchester County Career School- HST Summerville Site
449 Old Trolley Road
Summerville, SC 29485
843-873-5049 or 843-851-7197
The first step that you need to take in becoming a nursing assistant is to enroll in a CNA training program. For some, this process may be the most difficult because each program has its own way of training their students. To ensure that you receive the appropriate education and training, you should only enroll in a program that is approved by the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
These certified programs are required by federal and state law to offer no less than 100 hours of training. These hours are divided into classroom lecture and a minimum of 40 hours of clinical practice. They will cover the concepts that were mentioned and required in the OBRA of 1987 such as infection control, basic and personal care, communication and interpersonal skills, mental health, rehabilitation, safety and emergency procedures, patients’ rights and independence and many more. Depending on which program you enroll in, approved programs can take 6-12 weeks of continuous training to complete.
By completing a state-approved program, you will be eligible to apply for the state certification exam. You can get a copy of the application forms at http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/074101.pdf. This exam consists of a 70-item multiple-choice knowledge exam and a 5-random skills evaluation. If you pass both of them within 3 attempts or within 2 years after completing your training, you will become a certified nursing assistant. Your name will be listed in the Nurse Aide Registry. According to the law, only nursing assistants who are listed on the NAR are allowed to work in a Medicaid-certified nursing facility.
When you apply, employers are required to check your record before hiring. You may also see your record on the Registry by going to https://www.asisvcs.com/services/registry/search_generic.asp?CPCat=0741NURSE. It will be your responsibility to keep your record updated. Please inform Pearson VUE if you changed your name or address by calling (800) 475-8290. Your name will be removed from the NAR if you fail to work as a paid nursing assistant for at least 8 hours every 24 months. This working hour quota is a requirement to become eligible for renewal. A CNA is not allowed to work with an expired certification.
This town is mostly a part of Dorchester County. Small portions of this town can also be found in both Berkeley and Charleston counties. It is included in the Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 43,392 people. It has a total area of about 15.4 sq miles and has a population density of 1,806.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area includes G & G Treatment Center, Ivey David W DMD, Dorchester Medical Associates, Andrews, James C DMD PA, Covenant Counseling Center Of South Carolina, Rite Aid, South Carolina Sleep Medicine, New Image Weight Loss Centers, Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom