The schools offering nursing assistant courses that are available in Newport, Vermont as of the making of this page are listed in detail below. If you want to find out more about their programs, please call the number provided or visit their office.
North Country Career Center
209 Veterans Ave.,
Newport, VT 05855
(802) 334-5469
Enrolling in an LNA training program is the first step in becoming a licensed nurse aide. It is important that you enroll in a program that is approved by the state’s Department of Health to ensure that your training will meet federal and state standards. You don’t have to worry about taking time looking for a suitable program since they are offered almost anywhere in the state.
Requirement for LNA enrollment:
• Age: at least 18 years old (some accept candidates who are still 16)
• Education: most training programs only require their students to be able to read and write English
• Criminal Background: must pass the federal and state background checks with fingerprinting
• Health: be physically and mentally healthy, and free from communicable diseases
The state’s Board of Nursing is responsible for creating the prescribed curriculum that must be followed by each program. The curriculum is very inclusive and was designed to prepare aspiring nurse aides for any challenges that the job might bring. It comprises of 75 hours of lectures and lab works and another 30 hours of supervised clinical practice.
Once you are through the next step is to complete the application forms for the NNAAP exam. Your instructors will provide you with the necessary application packets at the end of your training. You will need to send the forms along with the payment of $130 for the testing fee. The scheduling of the NNAAP exam is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are unavailable on your scheduled date and wish to reschedule, please inform the NACES at least 5 days before the exam. There is no rescheduling fee if you inform them on time.
The NNAAP exam is divided into two parts – a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam. Both tests are taken on the same day. To get a license, candidates must pass both tests within 2 years of completing their training or within 3 attempts, whichever comes first. If a candidate does not pass the exam within 2 years of within 3 attempts he will be required to complete another training program.
The city of Newport is the shire town of Orleans County. As of the last census taken there, their total population was estimated to be around 5,005 people with a population density of 830.0/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 7.6 square miles, where 1.6 square miles of it is water.
The North Country Hospital, Orleans-Essex Visiting Nurses Association and Hospice, and the Northeast Kingdom Human Services are the main health care providers that are found in the area. Other health care providers and clinics include North Country Orthopedics, Northeast Kingdom Human Services, Bel Aire Center, Freedom Physical Therapy Pc, Newport Foot Care Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom
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