The nurse aide schools in Smyrna that are shown to you in this page are all the Delaware state approved certified nursing assistant classes that are currently being offered as of the moment. For more information about the cost of these classes, program schedules, or certification requirements, just call the number provided.
Hands Medical Healthcare Services, Inc.
230 N. Union Street, Suite A,
Smyrna, DE 19977
You can only work in Delaware if you are in the state’s nurse aide registry. There are different ways for you to enter the registry and become a CNA. The most common way is by completing a training program and then apply for the license exams. The training program should be approved by the state. It is the Division of Long Term Care of Resident’s Protection that is responsible for approving training programs that are being offered in the state.
For a program to be approved, it must provide the students at least 150 hours which are equally divided into both lectures and skills training. They must teach the students the different concepts and skills needed in taking care of the patients like infection control through proper hand washing, mental health, proper communicating skills, assisting in feeding, bathing, dressing, urination with the use of bedpans, and other procedures.
Aside from the method mentioned above, nurse aides that come from other states may still work if through endorsement. If they are applying through this method, they must have current work as a nursing assistant in their state and provide a copy of their transcripts that show their training and experience. They must also have at least worked as a nursing assistant for at least 3 months or about 150 hours.
This town is a part of both Kent and New Castle counties. It is also a part of the Dover, Delaware Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, their total population is at 10,023 residents. Smyrna has a total area of 3.8 sq miles and has a population density of 1,541.9 / sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Affordable Healthcare of Delaware LLC, Alzheimer’s Association, STD Test Express, Mosiac of Delaware, Aod Smyma 43, Connections Csp, Chervenak A Douglas DO, and Handling Matthew A MD. photo attribution: littledebbie11