The certified nursing assistant schools in Georgetown, Delaware that are listed below are all the course that have been approved by the state of Delaware and available for enrollment at this time. Call the school through the phone number provided if you have questions about classroom schedules, tuition costs, or program requirements.
Del Tech Community College
P.O. Box 610, Rt. 18
Georgetown, DE 19947
Sussex Tech-Adult Education Division
17099 County Seat Highway P.O. Box 351
Georgetown, DE 19947
Sussex Technical High School
P.O. Box 351
Georgetown, DE 19947-0351
If you are planning on entering the medical industry, you should consider becoming a nursing assistant. This type of job has a high demand not only in Delaware but other states as well. There are several different requirements that you must comply with in order to become one. However, the requirements are not excessive and the cost of tuition is not very expensive and the length of training typically only lasts a few weeks.
The first step that you must do is to complete a CNA training program that is approved by the Division of Long Term Care Resident’s Protection. They are in charge of approving all training programs that are being offered in the state. For a program to be approved, it must offer its students at least 150 hours of both lectures and hands-on skills training and application. You can find that these programs are being offered by colleges, high schools, healthcare facilities and other institutions. As a nursing student, you will learn different concepts and skills like proper hand washing, infection control, indirect nursing care skills, assisting a patient with the use of a bedpan, mouth care, catheter care, and other procedures. You will then get the opportunity to apply what you have learned in an actual clinical setting. After the completion of the training program, you can then apply for the nurse aide license exams.
The town of Georgetown is situated in Sussex County. According to the latest census there, their total population has now increased up to 6,422 people. This town is the county seat of Sussex County. It has a total area of 4.1 sq miles and has a population density of 1,566.3/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include STD Test Express, Eschbach Leo H DO, La Red Health Center, Fresenius Medical Care Mid Sussex County, Hunt for Health, Brian Villar DR Medical Group, Barnes Healthcare Inc., and Sussex Wellness Center. photo attribution: sapienssolutions