Enrolling in a nurse aide program in Silver Springs, Nevada will introduce you to the basics of providing health care for patients in care facilities. Classes will teach you the fundamental tasks needed and prepare you for the state exams. Schools listed below have been approved by the Nevada State Board of Nursing.
Silver Stage High School
3755 W. Spruce St.
Silver Springs, NV 89429
Phone: 775.577.5071
(Classes are offered to high school students only)
The first step in becoming a nursing aide is to find a state-certified CNA training program to enroll in. Since this is a very in demand job today, you will not have any problems finding employment once you meet the requirements and become certified. These programs take around 8 to 13 weeks to complete. These programs are required by OBRA to offer the students no less than 75 hours of training.
As a nursing assistant aide, you will be spending at least 60 hours of classroom lessons and laboratory work. There is also another 16 hours of skills training that you will have to pass before you are allowed to handle residents. These 16 hours will be composed training for communication skills, promotion of safety, emergency procedures, infection control, the promotion and respect of the resident’s rights.
After you complete the training, you will then be able to apply for the license exams. When you apply, you will need to produce necessary documents such as proof of your training, your immunization records, the results of your TB and physical exams, and the results of your background checks for criminal records. The state requires a valid fingerprint card on file at the time of application approval. In order to expedite your verification process you can download a fingerprint card and send it in to the Board. For further information about steps to apply you can contact a representative at (888) 590-6726.
The examination for certification has two parts and they both must be passed in order to become licensed. The parts include a written test and a demonstration test. Once you pass both parts the Board of Nursing receives the results from the testing company named Pearson Vue. Results take approximately 2 to 3 weeks to officially verify at the state level.
This census-designated place is a part of Lyon County. You can find this town at the intersection of U.S. 50 and U.S. 95A. According to the latest census, their total population was at 4,708 people. Silver Spring has a total area of approximately 78.6 square miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population density is 65.0/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Lahontan Medical Center Inc. (775) 577-2117, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens (866) 825-3227, Physician’s Revenue Cycle Resorce (775) 577-9909, Silver Springs Stagecoach Hospital District (775) 577-2700, and many more. photo attribution: anitakhart