The nursing assistant training classes that are found in Ridgeland, Mississippi and are available for enrollment as of the making of this page, are shown on the list below. Course shown have met state standards for training. You can get the latest enrollment information by contacting one of the schools and speaking with a course coordinator.
Highland Home
638 Highland Colony Parkway,
Ridgeland, MS 39157
(601) 853-0415
Becoming a nursing assistant is one of the best ways for you to gain entry in the medical field. It also offers you new opportunities to gain higher degrees or certifications that are only available once you become a CNA.
The first thing that you need to do to become a nursing assistant is to find a training class to enroll in. You must make sure that the class is approved by the state so that you will have no problems later on when you apply for the license exams. Once enrolled, you will be spending 130 hours learning different concepts and skills like infection control, mental health, patient independence, rehabilitation, assisting in ADLs, and performing emergency procedures. Once you are found competent, you will then go to an actual clinical setting for your clinical duties.
After you complete your training, which will take you about 6 weeks, you can then apply for the license exams. The examination is currently administered by a company called Pearson Vue. You can reach them to schedule a testing date by calling 1-888-204-6213. The license exams are composed of a written/oral exam and a skills demonstration on randomly selected nursing procedures. You must be able to pass all the tests to get your name entered on the Registry. Only those whose names are on the Registry list are given licenses and are able to work in a healthcare facility as a nursing assistant. You can contact the Mississippi State Department of Health at 601-364-1100 to speak with an official representative of the state to learn more about the latest requirements.
For those who are certified as a nurse aide from another state or previously certified, they can become eligible to work here by filing for reciprocity. Qualified applicants will need to pay a reciprocity fee of $26.00 as well as a testing fee of $101.00. Those who meet the criteria are given one opportunity to pass both parts of the exam. If one is not able to pass one or both of the parts in one try they must go back and retake an instruction course.
You can find the city of Ridgeland in Madison County. It is also included in the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area. This city is located in between Madison and Jackson-which is only a few miles in the south. Ridgeland has a total area of 17.7 square miles and a total population, according to the 2010 census, of 24,047 people.
There are quite a number of healthcare centers that are located in the area. Examples of them include TrustCare Express Medical Clinics, Emmanuel Medical Clinic, Mississippi Neuropsychiatric Clinic, Central Mississippi Medical, MEA Medical Clinics, Carter Sledge Family Dental, Burns & Blackburn, Internal Medicine Clinic, and Select Dental Ridgeland. photo attribution: leonardodasilva