The certified nurse aide training schools that are available for enrollment are shown on this page. Those that are listed here are all the state-approved programs in Brookhaven, Mississippi as of the moment. You can learn more about their vocational program by calling the facility with the number listed on this page.
Silver Cross Nursing Home
503 Silver Cross Drive,
Brookhaven, MS 39601
(601) 833-2361
If you are thinking of a way to get into the medical field, you should think about becoming a nursing aide. Healthcare facilities all over the nation are currently demanding and hiring more nursing aides. Comparing it to other options, becoming a nursing aide is far less cheaper and time consuming that others.
The first thing that you will need to do is to find a training program that is approved by the state and enroll in it. Keep in mind that the program has to be approved by the state or else you will not be allowed to apply for the license exams afterwards. State-approved programs are required to offer 130 hours of training. Your training will be composed of lectures, laboratory work, and clinical exposure. It will take you 6 weeks to complete.
Once you are through with your training, you can then proceed and apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program, which is an examination that is designed to test out the competency of the individuals who want to become nursing aides. The exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation exam. You will need to pass both of them in order to get your license. You can find out more information about testing and the latest requirements to qualify by calling Pearson Vue at 1-888-204-6213. If you have general questions about the steps necessary to become certified to work you can contact the Mississippi State Department of Health at 601-364-1100.
Brookhaven is a small city that is located in Lincoln County. This city also happens to be its county seat. Founded in 1818, it was named after a town in New York by its founder Samuel Jayne. According to the latest census, this town had a total population of 9,861 people. The total area of Brookhaven is approximately 7.3 square miles, in where all of it is land. Because of its expansion in 2007, it is now almost three times its original area.
There are plenty of healthcare providers that are located in the city. Examples of such include SW Mississippi Mental Health, Edmonson George H DDS, Brookhaven Childrens Clinic, Renal Care Group Inc., Brookhaven Family Medicine, King’s Daughter Medical Clinic, Brookhaven Sports Medicine, Baker Mac L DDS, and many more. photo attribution: leonardodasilva