The nursing assistant training programs that are currently offering their training and are located in Carthage, Mississippi are all found on the list below. All those listed are approved by the state of Mississippi and will allow the student to take the certification exams.
Leake County Vo-Tech Center
703 Northwest Street,
Carthage, MS 39051
(601) 267-8442
(Night classes are also available here)
There are not a lot of people wanting to know how to become a nursing assistant. The first step that they need to do is to look for a training program to enroll in. The program must be approved by the state since other training programs will not be recognized. By completing a state-approved program, you will be able to apply for the NNAAP examinations. Once you pass all the tests, your name will be added to the Nursing Assistant Registry, which is the master list of all the CNAs who are allowed to work in healthcare facilities.
When you enroll in a program, you will be spending most of your time in classroom lectures and on-the-job training. In order to complete your training, you will need to meet the 130 hours of required training. You must not miss any training sessions to meet the required hours. You will learn about different nursing concepts such as emergency procedures, infection control, mental health, rehabilitation, and assisting in daily activities.
Each state has an authorized conductor for the examinations. For this one, it is Pearson Vue. The license exams are composed of a written and a skills demonstration on the nursing skills that were taught to you. If you want to find out more about the exams, you can go to their site at You can also get a copy of the application forms from their site. You can speak to a customer support representative of Pearson Vue by calling 1-888-204-6213.
The state offers reciprocity to those who are certified in another state or who do not currently have an active license with the state but have previously been listed on the nurse aide registry. To apply the applicant will need to submit a form and if accepted pay a reciprocity fee of $26.00 along with a retesting fee of $101.00. Applicants will get one opportunity to pass both parts of the exams in order to become re-certified and eligible to work. Those who fail to pass both parts in one attempt will need to once again enroll in a training program.
Carthage is the county seat of Leake County. This city has a total area of 9.4 square miles, where all of it is land. According to the last census, the total population of the city was estimated to be about 4,637 people. Carthage is well known for being the birthing place of Earl Williamson, who was a politician in Shreveport and a confidant of the Louisiana Governor Huey Peirce Long.
There are a lot of healthcare facilities that you can find in Carthage, MS. Examples of some include Carthage Outpatient Behavioral, Carthage Outpatient Behavioral, Weems Community Mental Health, Madden Medical Clinic, DSI Carthage, and many more. photo attribution: AnoLobb.@healthyrx