The nurse aide training schools that are in Crystal Springs, Mississippi and are available for enrollment are listed below. Classes will give you the knowledge required to take the competency exams and be able to effectively do the duties required on the job.
Copiah Living Center
806 West Georgetown Street, Crystal Springs, MS 39059
(601) 892-1880
Mississippi Job Corps Center
400 Harmony Road, Crystal Springs, MS 39059
(601) 892-3348
Taking the license exams is the only way for non-CNAs to be able to enter the Nurse Aide Registry of Mississippi. To apply for the exams, you will need to submit the application form, which you can get from either your employer, training program, or by contacting the NACES. The forms will need to be submitted along other documents like proof of your training, the results of your background checks, and the payment of the exams.
The license exams are not only available to those who enrolled in nurse aide training program. Nursing graduate, as well as foreign RNs may also apply. When they do, they will need to pass the background check and provide proof of their education and training.
The license exams for this state are handled by Pearson Vue. Like other states, the license exams will be composed of two parts, a written exam and a skills evaluation on the basic nursing skills. For those who are not that good in English, they may request an oral exam instead, when they apply. The total cost for both exams is $101. If you are a re-taker, the written/oral portion will only cost you $32 and $69 for the skills evaluation.
Once you are able to pass all the tests, you name will automatically be added to the Nurse Aide Registry and you will receive your license. Licenses in this state last only 2 years. If you want to continue your eligibility to work, you must renew it before it expires. To do this, you must work for at least 8 hours every 2 years and submit proof of your work to the Registry. This proof may either be a pay-stub or a notarized letter from your employer stating your working hours and the nature of your work.
Crystal Springs is a city that is located in Copiah County. It is also a part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2000, their total population was 5,873 with a population density of 1,090/square mile. The total area of this city is approximately 5.4 square miles. photo attribution: germannacommunitycollege