To become certified as a nursing assistant you will need to enroll in state approved classes. You can locate the available schools in Saginaw, Michigan that are providing the necessary instruction below. Call the facility if you would like further details about how to sign-up.
Latoya’s Health Education Center
1000 Brockway, Saginaw, MI 48602
(989) 797-4602
Ross Medical Education Center
4300 Fashion Square Blvd., Saginaw, MI 48603
(989) 791-5192
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Michigan is one of the best ways for you to become a member of the medical team. The training of most programs available in the state will only last for a few weeks. You can find most nursing assistants working in long-term care facilities taking care of people who are not able to afford the costs of hospital care.
To be a nursing assistant in the state of Michigan, you must first be able to pass a training program that is approved by the state. You will spend a couple of hours on lectures and skills training. For you to complete your training, you must meet the required 75 hours of training of the state. These hours will already include the 32 hours of classroom lectures and skills training that you will undergo before your actual interaction with the patients.
Whether you are in the classroom or in the clinical area, you will be under the supervision of a registered nurse since all programs are required to have primary instructors that are RNs of the state. In total you will practice 51 different basic health care tasks. You will be tested on several of these chosen at random during your license examination.
When you complete your classes you will receive a Authorization to Test (ATT) which will specify the locations and contact details for testing locations nearby. By calling a test facility you can arrange a time to take the exam. These exams are conducted by Prometric and include both written exams and practical demonstration of the basic nursing skills. When you apply, you should be able to provide proof of your training as well as the results of your background checks for criminal records. These checks must be done at both federal and state levels. For further information about test scheduling you can contact the Michigan Nurse Aide Customer Line at 1-800-752-4724.
Saginaw is the county seat of Saginaw County. It is situated adjacent to the Saginaw Charter Township. The name of the city is a Native American word which is believed to mean “where the Sauk were”. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 51,508 residents. They have an estimated population density of 3,542.9/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 18.2 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Major roads that you can use from the city are Interstates, 75 and 675, as well as State Routes 13, 46, 47, 5, 58, 81, and 84.
The Covenant HealthCare is one of the main hospitals that is serving this city. Other health care centers that are located in the area include Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority, Vha/Hospice-Covenant Healthcare, Covenant Healthcare Imaging and Diagnostic Services, Sodexho Health Care Services, County Mental Saginaw, Visiting Nurse Association-Covenant Healthcare, and many more.