The CNA programs that have met the approval of the registry and are currently found in Midland, Michigan are listed on this page. These school training course will qualify you to take the certification exams upon completion. Call a facility to discover how to enroll and begin instruction.
Ray of Hope, LLC Training Center
503 South Saginaw Road,
Midland, MI 48640
(989) 633-3348
Becoming a nursing assistant in the state of Michigan is not that difficult or time consuming. Anyone is welcome to try and apply for the nursing assistant training program. But before they can enroll, they must meet a couple of requirements. One is they must pass a criminal background check to see if they have committed any crimes. They will also be required to show a few documents like their immunization history, TB test, and chest x-ray. In addition applicants need to be 16 years or older and have good English comprehension.
The core requirements to be certified to work are to receive proper training as well as pass the license exams. The latter one can only be achieved if you have completed your CNA classes from a state-approved program. These programs are required to have at least 75 hours of training, where 32 hours of it will be equally divided into classroom lectures and skills training in the laboratory. During instruction you will get to practice 51 different skills in a medical setting so you are equipped to safely perform all of the job duties necessary.
The license exams for Michigan are conducted by a private contractor called Prometric. Like other states, their exams are composed of a two-hour written exam and a 20-minute skills demonstration. By passing both parts of the exams, you will get your name entered in the Registry and you will receive your license.
If you have any problems with the exams, such as the date of your tests, you should visit the Prometric official website or call the state Nurse Aide customer Line at 1-800-752-4724. If you wish to verify information about a training program, you can call the (517) 241-0554.
The city of Midland is the county seat of Midland County. It is a main city of the Midland Micropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 41,863 residents and a population density of 1,254.9/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 35.0 sq mile, where 1.7 square miles of it is water. Major roads that you can use to get to this city are State Routes 20, 30, and 47.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Dorais Family Chiropractic, Midland Mental Health Center, Oaktree Family Counseling, Central State Community Service, Community Mental Health for Central Michigan, Rodnick Chiropractic Clinic, Covenant Occupational Health Services, Counseling Associates, Medicine Family, and many more. photo attribution: dharmapretzels